Friday, September 21, 2012

Classroom Tour

Who would have thought that it would have taken me this long to finally get pictures taken of my room to post!?! Last night was Open House, so things were relatively neat and tidy (any teacher knows that once school starts there are always things around as works-in-progress). I'll start with the pictures of the room as a whole, then work to the details of things I've done.

This is first glance coming into the room. Each table has a specific color which I use to call them by throughout the day.

This is the back wall with my center organization, work on writing center, computers, then library in the corner.

A look at the entrance wall. (Oh... the projector that cannot be moved from the center of my room.)
The front of my room; including word wall, schedule, learning goals and vocabulary.
Here is a closer look at my library, including the pillows and benches I made throughout the summer.
Books are organized in the colored bins by series, then in the clear bins, by AR level for those not in a series.
Book Hospital and Book Return
My AR Goals chart where the kids color a page for each passing quiz...
still a work in progress getting the goals set up.

Here you can see the student computers, student work, and writing center.
The brown poster is for our FAIR and writing prompt data as that become available.
There is also the ST Math poster as well as the computer schedule.
On these shelves I have all my Evan-Moore "Take it to Your Seat" centers,
as well as other word work resources and the decodable stories for the year.


And here are the math resources.
Not too exciting, but my microwave and sink area, with our PAWS expectations,
hand-washing and birthday posters. Those binders hold the workmats for math topics 1-5.

This is my guided reading table with the storage behind for leveled readers and extra supplies.

Our learning goals and vocabulary, as well as writing binders above cubbies that hold the books for each table.
Our classroom schedule.
Our sight words wall.
After writing their homework in their planner, the students place their OWLS binders in these bins.
We are also using money to count how many days we have been in school.
Love the Bucket Fillers book by Carol McCloud! This is how we fill our buckets without taking up too much space.
Every classroom needs classroom management.
This is our behavior chart.
Every student has a job to contribute to our classroom family.

Part of our morning drop station. My class expectations as shared in a previous post,
my "no name" clip board, and even umbrellas and my boots for rainy days.
A closer look at my clip board. :)

The fingerprints of my students from this year and last...
most are the same since I looped with them. :)
The amazing white board I found at Kohl's for reminders. I am forever forgetting to
pass out the  "Take Home Tuesday" Folders... hence the reminder.

Anyway... this was a lot of pictures, but now its done! I hope you enjoyed a look at my home away from home.